
🔨 Build a home for a vulnerable family in India

About this impact

Extreme Poverty

A sturdy home is something many take for granted but for some, this isn't a given. When you support the construction of a home for a family in India you're crafting a space where families can forge memories, children can grow in safety, and where the vulnerable can find respite and rebuild their lives, especially those affected by natural disasters or personal hardships. 

A home built with love, care, and robust, locally-sourced materials, the organisation that this card supports, Habitat for Humanity, ensures that each home is a durable, secure environment tailored to the family's needs. Adhering to governmental building codes and quality standards, each dwelling assures a minimum of 37.5 square feet per person and is methodically constructed to endure, particularly in areas prone to disasters. 

Moreover, the thoughtful planning ensures proximity to sanitation units, promoting health and wellbeing for the entire community. Your contribution becomes a perpetual gift of security and stability. Through micro-financing, the supported families return the funding over time, which is then harnessed to build another home for another family, ensuring your impact reverberates across many lives and generations. Let's transform lives, one home at a time.

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So, how does this all work?

  1. Personalise your impact with a message from the heart

    Use our editor to write a message for your loved one.

  2. We deliver

    We’ll print your message on the inside of the greetings card so your gift is ready to be given.

    Then we’ll call up our favourite postie to hand deliver your impact to your loved one.

  3. Your impact creates lasting change

    Our model’s a little different - we work with impact partners on the ground to keep things transparent and effective. These partners are local community organisations and small charities who can get your impact action done in the most efficient way. And rest easy knowing these partners are thoroughly vetted each year to make sure your impact is truly making a difference.

  4. Share the joy

    Now for the best part: seeing your impact in action! About 6-12 months after you send your impact, we’ll pop you (and your recipient if you’ve given us their email) an update. This could include text, images, and videos showing how your thoughtful impact has helped transform lives. Who knew giving could feel so good?

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