How does Cauuuse work?

How we turn your generosity into world-changing good.

How it works

  1. Personalise your impact with a message from the heart

    Use our editor to write a message for your loved one.

  2. We deliver

    We’ll print your message on the inside of the greetings card so your gift is ready to be given.

    Then we’ll call up our favourite postie to hand deliver your impact to your loved one.

  3. Your impact creates lasting change

    Our model’s a little different - we work with impact partners on the ground to keep things transparent and effective. These partners are local community organisations and small charities who can get your impact action done in the most efficient way. And rest easy knowing these partners are thoroughly vetted each year to make sure your impact is truly making a difference.

  4. Share the joy

    Now for the best part: seeing your impact in action! About 6-12 months after you send your impact, we’ll pop you (and your recipient if you’ve given us their email) an update. This could include text, images, and videos showing how your thoughtful impact has helped transform lives. Who knew giving could feel so good?

Our process

Cauuuse bundles love and impact for your loved ones to sending lasting change worldwide. You’ll see your pennies at work, making a tangible difference.


You've got questions, we've got answers.

How does Cauuuse make sure my good deed gets done?

We've teamed up directly with local community impact partners, as well as well-established and trusted organisations that oversee your chosen action to ensure it becomes reality. These awesome folks are vetted annually to make sure they're keeping up the good work and turning your impacts into tangible, transparent action.

How do I snag a card and choose its superpower?

Easy peasy. Just browse through our colourful catalog. You can pick by cause, the occasion or even by how much moolah you want to spend. Each card is linked to a specific cause and price point.

Can I jazz up my Cauuuse card with a personal message?

Absolutely! You're the poet here. Add your own heartwarming or cheeky message. Or if you're old school and prefer pen on paper, select the 'leave card blank' option, and we'll send it to you with a nifty extra envelope.

How long before my card hits the mailbox?

Make it snappy and order by 4 pm. We'll have your card printed and posted the very next business day. Then sit tight for 2-3 days until your gift lands at the recipient's door.

Can I throw in extra goodies to my order?

You bet! You can add a sprinkle of joy with our range of "extra gifts of good" like chocolates, coffee grounds, or flowers. They'll zoom straight to the recipient, but might arrive separately. All part of the surprise!

Will I get the lowdown on my impact?

Count on it! Roughly 6-12 months after you've made your purchase, we'll pop an email update your way from our impact partners. You'll get the full scoop with text, images, and videos showing how your gift sparked change.

How do I chinwag with the folks at Cauuuse?

Fancy a chat? Find us on social media platforms like Instagram, TikTok, LinkedIn, or drop us an email at [email protected]. We'd love to hear from you!

Is my personal info safe and sound with Cauuuse?

Absolutely. We're all about respecting your privacy. We stick to GDPR rules, never sell any identifiable info, and use top-notch secure platforms like AWS to keep your data under lock and key.

Can I keep track of my impacts over time?

We're working on it! While we don't have an impact dashboard just yet, watch this space. We're planning on introducing one to let you track and show off your impact over time.

How eco-friendly are Cauuuse cards?

So eco-friendly, they could hug trees! Our cards are made using eco inks, UVC coating, and recycled card. They even come in recycled craft paper envelopes. It's our way of making the world a bit greener, one card at a time.

Isn't buying a Cauuuse card just another form of consumerism?

We get it, but here's the thing - Cauuuse is all about swapping unwanted or wasteful gifts for something that truly matters. We're not adding to the pile; we're providing a more meaningful, sustainable alternative. And that's a win-win in our books.

How do I know my money is really going to the cause and not just lining someone's pocket?

We work directly with local community impact partners, as well as well-established and trusted partner organisations, not big-name charities, to ensure your funds go straight to creating impact. We even send you updates showing exactly how your gift has made a difference! Transparency is key.

Are you making a profit out of people's goodwill?

Let's be clear - yes, we do need to cover our costs to keep the lights on and keep doing all the good things. But we're not raking it in from your good intentions. Our goal is to facilitate real, tangible, and transparent impact. We add a little to your donation to cover our costs, and to make sure Cauuuse is a sustainable business that can keep delivering impact whilst withstanding the test of time, but we always make sure that the impact action you've funded, really does happen.

Aren't you just shifting the problem, encouraging us to buy different stuff instead of buying less?

Think of it this way: we're not asking you to buy more; we're giving you the chance to make the purchases you'd already make (like greeting cards or gifts) more meaningful. Plus, our cards are eco-friendly and something people will want to keep, not chuck out after a glance.

Won't this just absolve people of their environmental responsibilities by making them think they've done enough?

We hear you, but change needs to start somewhere, right? Cauuuse isn't about a quick-fix absolution. It's about fostering a mindset of positive action, showing how easy (and fun!) it can be to make a real difference. It's just one piece of the puzzle, and we hope it encourages more sustainable, responsible choices in other aspects of life too.

I asked for multiple impacts to be sent to one address, but got charged postage for each impact. WTH?!

Ah we get it! This one kinda sucks. Okay it really sucks. It's an issue we're aware of and we're trying to work with our print partner to get right. Right now, due to the nature of on-demand printing, the print bosses tell us we have to pay individual shipping despite going to the same address. We'll change this as soon as we can.

Impact, in your inbox.

Hear us out, this isn't just any old newsletter you'll forget about and eventually unsubscribe from. It's literal impact right to your inbox every other week. Good news, good vibes, and a community of change makers just like you.

We won't ever sell your deets. Promise.