Impact Stories

We talk good stuff. And let's be honest, some rubbish too.

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The History of Purpose-Driven Companies: When Doing Good Turns into the Life Pulse of Modern Organisations

This is the period of the company that is purpose-driven, in which making a difference—to the planet or people—ranks as high as making a profit.

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The Surprising Power of Positive Impact: How One Small Change Can Transform Lives

Amidst the chaos and uncertainty of a world where negativity dominates headlines, one small change, one small act of kindness, has the potential to transform lives in the most unexpected ways.

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TOMS: The Trailblazer that Paved the Way for Cauuuse

Inspired by TOMS' trailblazing journey in social entrepreneurship, Cauuuse aims to embody a similar spirit of compassion and innovation, turning everyday actions into powerful acts of kindness.

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From the Drawing Board to Your Hands: The Story Behind Cauuuse Impact Cards

Delving into the creation of Cauuuse's impactful cards, this post unfolds the journey from concept to reality, prioritising sustainability and meaningful connections. Inspired by brands like Thankyou Australia, the design process was a blend of innovation and empathy, resulting in a card that is not just a gift, but a heartfelt message and a step towards a better world.

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How "Chapter One" Shaped My Vision for Cauuuse

Drawing inspiration from Daniel Flynn's "Chapter One" and the journey of Thankyou Australia, I've adopted key lessons about the power of purpose, innovation, and transparency. These insights now shape the foundation of Cauuuse, fueling our mission to transform gifting into genuine global impact.

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Finding Purpose in the Act of Giving: My Journey to Founding Cauuuse

From personal trials and wasteful gifts, I was inspired to reshape how we give. With Cauuuse, every gift becomes a step towards positive change, drawing on lessons from inspiring brands and my own journey.

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The "what if" question

Each Christmas, us Brits chuck 23 Million tons of unwanted gifts into Landfill. It's a problem, and a big one.

What if we changed that?

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