The "what if" question

Published: 5th June 2023

Buying cool stuff for our loved ones is a tough gig, but it shouldn't be. Giving is an intimate, personal and joyful experience. And I'm sure you're with me on this, but I'm tired of receiving gifts I don't want. Don't get me wrong, I'm grateful, but whilst I'm handed gifts I have no use for, those who have nothing, receive very little.

Every year 23 million unwanted gifts get tossed into UK landfill, another 100 million of these are unused and thrown to the back of the closet without thought.

Yet there are so many people in need, animals needing homes, eco-systems that need protecting. What if we stopped giving gifts that get chucked in the bin and did some good instead?

What if we sent the money usually spent on this tat to causes that matter to you, changing lives for the better? And all in the name of your loved one whilst giving them something they'll cherish for always. Just think, no more unwanted bath salts, novelty pyjamas, or fake-eco metal straws that come wrapped in plastic (looking at you, Mum)!

Incase you're not bored yet.

The History of Purpose-Driven Companies: When Doing Good Turns into the Life Pulse of Modern Organisations

This is the period of the company that is purpose-driven, in which making a difference—to the planet or people—ranks as high as making a profit.

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