From the Drawing Board to Your Hands: The Story Behind Cauuuse Impact Cards

Published: 31st October 2023

Ever wonder how the physical aspect of Cauuuse impacts – the cards themselves – came to be? It's a tale of creativity meeting practicality, sprinkled with a dash of eco-consciousness.

When I first envisioned the Cauuuse cards, I was adamant they needed to be just right. The size, feel, and look all had to resonate with what we stand for. I dug deep into the world of greeting cards, juggling sizes and samples until the perfect 6x4" emerged. This wasn't a hasty pick from a hat; it was a conscious choice, aligning with the traditional yet standing out enough to make a statement.

Sustainability wasn't just a buzzword for us; it was a pillar of our decision-making. The cardstock had to tick two major boxes: high quality and eco-friendly. It was a non-negotiable. I'm proud to say our cards tick these boxes with flair, boasting recycled paper, water-based inks, and that subtle gloss of UV coating – all while staying kind to Mother Earth.

And for those moments when you want to hand over your impact in person, we wrap it up in a biodegradable bag that's as gentle on the planet as our intentions.

Now, let me tell you about a little experiment inspired by the trailblazers at Thankyou Australia. They're mavericks in shaking up the norm, and their sideways-printed book, Chapter One, had me captivated. It was genius – a book that stands out in a crowd, begging to be read.

So, I thought, why not apply this to our cards? The first-ever Cauuuse card was indeed printed backward, a bold move that I hoped would catch eyes and stir curiosity.

The excitement was palpable. I imagined our cards on mantelpieces, turning heads and sparking conversations. But here's the thing about shaking up the status quo – sometimes, it shakes you right back.

As a start-up, we rely on print partners who are fantastic but set in their ways. The backward print meant cards were being presented upside down, muddling that moment of impact we so cherish. It was a great idea on paper, but in practice, it needed a rethink.

So, with a mix of humility and learning, we pivoted back to the classic orientation. It was a reminder that innovation is a dance – sometimes you lead, sometimes you follow, but you never stop moving to the rhythm of improvement.

I share this snippet of our journey with you to offer a glimpse into the behind-the-scenes world of Cauuuse. It's not just about the impact we aim to have; it's about the path we take to get there. It's about embracing the trials and celebrating the triumphs, no matter how small.

Stay tuned as we continue to evolve, and thank you for being a part of this incredible journey. Together, we're not just sending cards; we're sending hope, change, and a piece of our hearts.

Until next time, keep spreading kindness like confetti!

Dan, Founder of Cauuuse

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