Extreme Poverty

Extreme poverty, trapping over 700 million people worldwide, goes beyond just low income; it encapsulates a lack of basic resources, opportunities, and stability. Addressing this mammoth challenge requires a multi-dimensional approach, focusing on education, healthcare, sustainable employment, and protective policies for the vulnerable.

What's the challenge with Extreme Poverty?

Extreme poverty is not just a lack of money; it's a lack of opportunity, hope, and basic human necessities. The World Bank defines extreme poverty as living on less than $1.90 a day. As of 2021, approximately 9.2% of the world's population, that's more than 700 million people, are estimated to live in this harsh reality.

These individuals struggle for the very basics of survival like food, shelter, clean water, and access to healthcare. They often live in unstable environments, where conflict, natural disasters, and diseases can easily exacerbate their dire situation. Their prospects for bettering their condition are grim due to limited access to quality education and job opportunities.

Over 700 million people live on less than $1.90 a day. Through education, healthcare, and job opportunities, we aim to rewrite this narrative.

Can we solve Extreme Poverty?

Eradicating extreme poverty is a colossal task but not an impossible one. It requires a multi-faceted approach that addresses the root causes and not just the symptoms.

Increasing access to quality education, healthcare, and clean water are crucial steps. Providing sustainable job opportunities, particularly in areas with high poverty rates, can help people rise above the poverty line. Policies that promote gender equality and protect vulnerable groups can also make a significant difference.

Organisations working in the field are focusing on these areas, creating opportunities and offering immediate relief for those in need. When you support the cause of fighting extreme poverty with Cauuuse, you're providing tangible help that can change lives for the better, one person at a time.

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