Compliments to the chef

🍽️ Pay for a week of school meals for a child in Cambodia.

About this impact

Extreme Poverty

Fuelling the body fuels the mind, and for a child in Cambodia, a nutritious meal gives them the energy to learn all day! Through the Child Protection Program, vulnerable children, evaluated and identified as most in need, are provided with a hearty, nourishing lunch on school days - gifted by you! This is a gesture that whispers to them that their education, health, and futures matter. 

These meals, comprise of rice, a wholesome bowl of soup, and a generous portion of meat/fish/tofu and vegetables, keeping them alert and ready to absorb the day’s lessons, ensuring that the cycle of learning is sustained and fruitful. It's a tragic truth that for some children, the obstacle between them and their education is not a lack of willingness to learn, but a sheer inability to finance meals. 

Thank you for filling a tummy and fuelling a dream, stirring a mind into action, and sowing the seeds for a harvest of educated, empowered future leaders of Cambodia. Your contribution echoes in the halls of learning.

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