Swinging into Action

Fund a day of essential medical care for an injured Orangutan in Borneo 🦧

About this impact

Animals and Wildlife

When we think of the earth's vibrant tapestry of wildlife, it's impossible not to picture the orange-furred orangutans swinging effortlessly from tree to tree in Borneo. Yet, these iconic creatures are facing an increasingly precarious future. Human activities are causing their forest homes to disappear, compelling them to come down from the treetops. This unfortunate shift in their natural habitat forces them into conflicts with humans. Consequently, they are being harmed by individuals who perceive them as pests, use them as commodities in the pet trade, or even hunt them for meat. In these alarming circumstances, injured orangutans are tragically common. 

From shotgun wounds to severe bone infections, these majestic animals bear the brunt of their shrinking habitats and increased human encounters. Yet, in the face of such adversity, there's hope. With this impact, you're contributing to the rescue and rehabilitation of these critically endangered species. The funds raised from your purchase go towards crucial medical equipment and hospital supplies for the Care Centre. This Centre is a haven for injured orangutans to recover and regain their strength. You're playing a part in rescuing and rehabilitating wild orangutans, no matter how wounded or critically injured they are. Each card purchased means more medical aid, more recovery, and a brighter future for these wonderful creatures.

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  3. Your impact creates lasting change

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